Individual Therapy

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”
―Maya Angelou

How long will you suffer like this?

The pain rises in the chest and weaves a web of silence through your vocal chords. You yearn to be understood, but the idea of exposing yourself to another is terrifying. Rather than risk it, you resign to a life of stoic misery.

The longer we lock ourselves inside this posture, the more entrenched it becomes. Our mind becomes our worst enemy, attacking us at every turn.

We begin to wonder when this torture will end. The answer is simple – when we’ve had enough.

A leap of faith

As soon as the desire for change becomes strong enough, you will act. You will take the first step to a better life and you will see that first glimmer of hope.

If you are struggling to muster up the courage to take that leap, know that you do not have to do it alone. I am offering you my hand.

It’s not always about the destination; a lot of the time it is about the journey.

I invite you to receive this support.

The beginning of a new path

You pick up the phone, that’s the first step.

Then we develop a warm, healing, and non-judgmental environment in which you can open up about your deepest issues.

Then, we identify what you are struggling with and develop a plan of action.

You do not have to feel this way forever.

There is a path forward that is bright and hopeful. Today is the day to leave the pain, the fear, and the darkness behind.

The journey begins with you making the call. Then we proceed along proven pathways of success until you reach your goals.

We go at your pace. You do not have to open up about your most sensitive issues immediately. Some like to proceed cautiously, and others like to get right to it.

It’s up to you.

There is no right way. The only requirement is a desire and willingness to embark on the journey. When this is achieved the results are magnificent.

What is paramount at this time is that you follow the momentum that brought you to this site.

Become the person you want to be, today!

Call (561) 329-4827 today if you are ready to work toward a stronger YOU.