
Treading water in a lead suit?

No matter how hard you fight to stay afloat, you can barely keep your head above water.

Too fatigued to keep fighting, sometimes you just want to let the weight pull you down into the abyss.

Feeling nothing but a sense of emptiness and detachment, the enjoyment you used to feel is gone.

Ever been the only one in the room who is not having a good time? Who doesn’t laugh at a joke?

The world has transformed from vibrant colors to shades of grey.

I must be no good.

The feelings of self-loathing seem to attach you by a string to a very unlikable person. YOU!

Irritable and frustrated a lot of the time makes you wonder if inside your clothing is a lining of sandpaper. Any little thing rubs you the wrong way. It feels like it is inescapable.

Thinking “I hate myself” is a hallmark aspect of depression.

There is a way to learn to combat thinking and feeling this way.

Invite the light back in.

Depression is a complicated struggle that cannot be taken on alone. Together, we can face the darkness and invite the light back in.

Call (561) 329-4827 today to come out of the darkness.